Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer's End...

"Summer" is now officially over for teachers.

Before this happened, last weekend, Chris and I went to Myrtle Beach for 5 amazing days! It was rainy for the first half of our trip, but the sun came out and shined for the afternoons and the second half. We went outlet shopping, mini golfing, ate great food, and sunbathed at the beach!

Chris and I are quite competitive golfers, generally with each other!
We did not want to leave... ever!
Last Monday we got back to Greensboro and realized we both had to get up in the morning. The days of no alarm clock were over. Tuesday I went in and did some work in my classroom. Seeing how much I had to do and that it takes me twice as long as everyone else (due to my hand injury), I also went in the rest of the week.

Tomorrow is our last workday before the kiddies come on Tuesday! I am excited and (hopefully) prepared for the kids to come!! It should be a great year! I am teaching Kindergarten again at the same school!! YAY!!

Goodbye summer, hello School year!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Near the end... (pictures not for the faint)

SO as I sit here on my parents' couch in Maryland, I am left to ponder the summer that is drawing to a close. So much has happened, yet not really, and thus are the details of my summer...

My summer began with a trip to Washington State to see my brother and his family, Beth also joined us. After flying into Seattle we spent a few hours walking around Pike Place Market. We visited the original Starbucks and got coffee (from Seattle's Best, Starbucks had too long of a line!), saw the famous fish market, enjoyed the shops and view, and last but not least saw the Space Needle ('twas too foggy to pay money to go up for the view). Then we drove a few hours to Birch Bay in Northwest WA after stopping to buy groceries a supermarket. Birch bay is about 20 minutes south of the Canadian border (we did visit White Rock and Vancouver, BC). We spent the week relaxing, clam digging, visiting the ER (20 miles away), and doing much of nothing!

So, in case you were wondering about the ER, here's the story. I was washing dishes the day after we arrived at the condo, one was a thick, heavy, gorgeous, glass bowl. The sink was made of some kind of ceramic or plaster. The combination = not good! The bowl slipped, cracked in half, and sliced my forearm open while severing a much needed tendon (controls wrist movement). I quickly grabbed a towel and covered it while Glenn called 911 and had no idea why. Trenee and I were worried I had cut and artery. Luckily I hadn't. Beth helped apply pressure to the towel I was holding on my arm. The EMT's came in an ambulance and fire truck. They bandaged me up, took some vitals, and drew us a map to the ER.
I got 15 stitches!! My first time!
After my visit was over and because I sliced my arm open and severed a tendon, I went back to NC, saw the orthopedist the next day and had surgery the day after that!

This has limited my activities during the summer, but I am glad it was summer and not the middle of the school year! I have physical therapy weekly until sometime in late September, early October, pending progress! I won't be able to play Co-ed Softball this fall but at least I had finished the Spring Women's League (we were Champions!)

I am now in Maryland for another day or two. We went this past weekend to PA for my cousins graduation party and saw family there. Friday I will drive to Nashville with Debbie for another friend's wedding. I will be back in NC on Sunday so I can take my friend Weslei to the airport Monday. Then on Thursday, Chris and I will be going to Myrtle Beach!! Yay!!

I am ready for bed even though it is 11:30 and I am watching NCIS...

Man do I NEED to get back to a REGULAR sleep schedule!! My alarm set for 6:00am will come soon enough...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I will get around to adding pictures of my "new" place soon... no lie... I am almost done hanging stuff up and putting stuff away!

Prayers - I am in need, as we all constantly are, of prayers. As Friendly Ave C of C (where I go to church in Greensboro, NC) has been doing the 40 Days of Love series, Chris and I have been attending a small group on Sundays. The last two sessions, love & confrontation and love & forgiveness have really spoken to us both with some current situations. Just pray that we (together) can do what we need to mend broken/hurt relationships and grow stronger throughout the process...
I thank you for all your thoughts and prayers!

Much love,

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ok so It has been almost a year since my last post about returning to the states... oops!!
Here's the update:
I moved into a one bedroom loft in the fall. It was great at the time until the winter hit and the mice began reproducing in my loft complex. Needless to say, I moved out!
About 3 weeks ago when my lease was up I moved into a wonderful 1 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath townhouse with two walk-in closets! It is fabulous!! I have seen one spider which I can easily deal with having lived in my previous residence and China!

I am teaching kindergarten at Foust Elementary School in Greensboro, NC. I am glad to be home and back with Chris!

Chris and I are doing well! For those I am sure asking or wanting to know, as I get this question quite often, we are not engaged or getting married any time soon. We have and do talk about it, it is just not in the near future. But it IS in the future!

Right now we are on Spring Break, thankfully!!
Pictures to come and hopefully more regular blogging!