Thursday, March 20, 2008

Back in the Swing!

So we have been back in classes now for about 4 weeks. It is hard to believe it has already been 4 weeks!!Then again it could be due to how chaotic my life has felt for the past few weeks. I am teaching my same students, only now it is 2 oral English classes and 6 speech and debate classes. Classes have been going very well and running smoothly.
I have been having some issues though. Towards the end of my travelling I messed up my knee somehow. It was swollen and hurt to walk, much less climb stairs. After going to the "health center" on campus and staying off it for a few days, it seems to have worked itself out. I should be ok for my climb up Wudang Mountain (again) next week!!
Then almost three weeks ago one of my teeth in the back broke. How? I have no clue. I brushed my teeth, went to bed, and when I got up in the morning 1/4 was missing! The dentists here in China are also located at the hospital. It is much different even in the hospital. My apartment is cleaner than the hospital! I went the first time thinking he would fix it, but no he didn't. He gave me two shots, my mouth was a little numb for about5 minutes and he drilled. Whatever the shot was that he gave me did not work for drilling. I DON'T DO TOOTH PAIN!! It really hurt when he would hit the nerve. I cried. It was pretty bad. I would take my American dentist any day over that! Then he put "medicine" on/in it and some sort of plaster on top. Two days later I returned thinking he would fix it this time for sure. Nope! He pulled off the plaster stuff, took the medicine out, cleaned the tooth, put more medicine in, and plaster on top again. This time I was to wait for 10 days. I finally went back last Sunday to get it fixed. I had a fellow teacher translate for me that if he did not fix it that day I was going to go somewhere else the next weekend. Needless to say, he fixed it!
In Chinese hospitals (at least the ones I have been in) there is no such thing as privacy (except for nudity - we loved those physicals upon arrival and we were only with other girls because we were foreign). While I was in the chair being worked on there was at one time 7 other people in the room watching, besides the Dr. and me. It was crazy. There was even a little girl that kept peering under his arm at me. This was definitely an experience I do not wish to have again. The Dr. continued to repeat that I was weak and could not handle pain, my mother spoiled me with candy as a child, and the Drs. in America are lazy and do not do things correctly. NONE of which is TRUE!!! This experience has made me grateful for the health care in the US. Do not think me negative there is a good thing about this here. What would have cost me in the states about$150+ was only $35!! For that I am also grateful!!
As if life wasn't messy from that, there is a "bug" going around here, runny noses, sore throats, and exhaustion.
Other than these little "hiccups" life is swell!! Things are back on track here. Friday night game nights, Tuesday night get-togethers, Sunday meetings, and other times we hang out. I can barely believe I have exactly 15 weeks from today before I leave. Not only that but Beth and Debbie (2 of my 4 siblings) are coming to visit. They arrive on MONDAY!!!!!!! They stay for one week which will be wonderful and awesome to see family!! YAY!!!

Well I best be going to bed. It is midnight (oops!) and I have classes from 7:50-11:30 tomorrow! So goodnight and be blessed!!


Anonymous said...

Sarah, I guess you can really appreciate American medicine now. We get what we pay for, for the most part!

Can't wait to see you. Thank you for the kind words in your note to me.


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV de Plasma, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Brandy said...

Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about your dentist troubles. I hope you are feeling better now and hopefully, when you come home, you can make a trip to Dallas, I would love to see you.

Miss you lots and take care.