Saturday, May 10, 2008


My day has been one of the incredible ones so far today!! I only see it getting better!!

I am in Wuhan for medical reasons (aka dental).

I awoke this morning with the sun shining in the bedroom of Leah's apartment. It was 6:30 and I still had another hour and a half before having to get up. So I pulled the blanket over my head and fell back asleep. I got up and dressed, having showered the night before. I called Matt and Caitlin so I could go for a short visit and see their new baby! I held the baby (YAY!!) and met Caitlin's parents who are finishing their 2 week visit to China. We all sat and talked for a little while and they gave a me a cup of freshly brewed coffee (I am a sucker for coffee - especially brewed coffee, not instant!)

When I got back to Leah's, she, Wade, and I got a taxi to the "fabric street". I had to pick up the dress I had made the last time I visited! I got the dress (though it needs a few small things done, which I am sure my mother will help me with that I could not translate to them), but it looks nice!! I went to a Christian bookstore near the Three-Self Church and bought a few things. I tried to go to another one and buy a few "Good Books" but it was closed for lunch! It is a good thing I bought a box last time!! When I finished there I got on bus 521 with the mob of people and rode it back to this side of town. I got off the bus in front of my favorite place here... STARBUCKS!!! I am sitting outside with my computer and a Venti Raspberry Mocha Frappuchino!!! I AM LOVIN' LIFE!!! Though the building is blocking the sun, it is a gorgeous day outside. I have a good book next to me and it is incredible!! It is quite obvious this is an American "establishment". One, I have seen no fewer than 9 Americans go into Starbucks and emerge with a beverage of some kind in the past hour. Two, it is clean, inside and out. Three, and probably one of the more important reasons, there is a western toilet inside!! It is an amazing feeling. There is some jazz music on the speakers much like in the states. If I close my eyes, block out the chinese I hear, the traffic from the all too close busy street, and the smeel of Chinese food, I could be in America!! Crazy I know!!! :) Of course my eyes closed is a necessity because if they are open I would see this table of 4 that are currently staring at me as I type!

The rest of my day seems like it will be just more icing on the cake! In a few minutes I will walk to the dental hospital and get the "permanent" crown put on my tooth. Hopefully this will be the last dental work I have done in China. Now the reason for saying "permanent" is because my sister Rachel has through my mother told me that there have been some problems with things like this from China because they contain lead which leads to serious problems. I know the tooth I am getting has a metal base and porcelin on top. I am not sure if it is lead though. I will ask but I am not certain he will understand or know. We shall see. It will at least (I hope) be ok until I come home! I am happy to report there have been no more broken teeth in the past two weeks!!

After that I will return to to Leah's and drop off all my stuff. In the evening I will go meet my wonderful Indian American (family from India, raised in FL) friend, Ronnie, at DQ. YES, that is Dariy Queen!! It should be a swell end to my already wonderful day!!

Hope your day is as awesome as mine is!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Too dark. I couldn't read this one. I love you, though, Sarah. Keep up the good work!
